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Final Answers
© 2000-2023   Gérard P. Michon, Ph.D.

Evolution of Life
Evolutionary Biology

If life were predictable it would cease to be life.
Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962).
 Charles Darwin I would rather have a miserable ape for a grandfather than
a man
[who employs his great]  faculties and influence for the mere
purpose of introducing ridicule into a grave scientific discussion.

 Thomas H. Huxley (defending Darwin against the bishop of Oxford)

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theory of evolution through natural selection  by
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) and Alfred Russel Wallace   (1829-1913).

Solar Eclipses and the Cosmic Coincidence of the Saros Cycle  by  Matt Parker.


Evolution of Lifeforms on Earth

(2002-11-11)   Evolution of Life
How life begets new life  (following the enigmatic  apparition of Life)?

The basic mechanisms of the evolution of species are now well understood.  Normally, the so-called gene pool of a given species is larger than the number of genes of a given member of the species.  If one gene gives a particular advantage to the survival of its bearer, it will tend to be more frequent among individuals that have survived long enough to reproduce.  The frequency of such a gene will therefore increase from one generation to the next until most members of a species carry it.  This is the idea of natural selection first advocated by Charles Darwin (1809-1882), whereas the broader idea of the evolution of species is a much older concept (known to the ancient Greeks).  If a sudden change in the environment makes a gene essential to individual survival, it may even be the case that all members of a new generation will end up carrying the life-saving gene.

This is what happens among insects when a new insecticide is massively introduced:  The so-called susceptible insects are eradicated but there may be a few resistant individuals whose descendants will multiply at an increased rate to fill the space vacated by a much higher mortality rate among the rest of the species.

The richness of the gene pool is thus essential for species to respond to new threats.  This richness is depleted when a gene is "used" in response to an actual attack (as the "better" gene completely replaces alternate choices) but the gene pool is also replenished by random mutations, which occur at a very slow rate due to rare errors in genetic duplications (which may be induced by cosmic rays, or other violent causes at the molecular level).

Even in the absence of drastic environmental changes, the above evolutionary mechanism allows species to become better adapted and/or more competitive with other species in the same niche.  Some species keep winning the survival race for millions of years, others become extinct much faster.

Quite a few drastic "inventions" have occurred in the evolution of life on this planet of ours.  Some of these are so radical that it may be hard to rule out the existence of something more potent than the above evolutionary process.  For now, however, we may have no other solution but to believe (rightly or wrongly) that, given enough time, unlikely events do occur and may help generate previously unknown innovations.  First among these mysterious innovations is the appearance of life itself from a prebiotic environment.  We discuss this in the next article;  a few other deep life mysteries are listed below:


All biological molecules are skewed in only one of two possible ways.  Nucleotides are righthanded, amino acids are lefthanded.  Although artificial synthesis can produce both handedness in equal proportions, only one form of glucose  (dextrose)  is produced or consumed by living organisms.

The physical laws that are relevant to chemistry do not distinguish between left and right  (only the  weak nuclear force  does that and it seems completely unable to influence the chirality of chemical reactions).  However, the dominant chirality of food would so potently favor the lifeforms can consume it that other types of lifeforms would soon be eradicated  (if they had managed to survive and evolve in a separate habitat).

Nowadays, life exists on Earth in only one type of handedness.  This is called  homochirality.  A lone organism from outer space endowed with the wrong chirality could not survive on Earth  (except in suspended animation)  for total lack of food...

Likewise, there are many examples of physical systems that evolve from symmetrical conditions into a completely antisymmetrical situation.

Proteins Synthesis



 Come back later, we're
 still working on this one...

Symbiosis and Endosymbiosis

Lichens are, in fact, the mutually beneficial association of two organisms a fungus (called mycobiont) and a cyanobacteria (called photobiont).

The fungus provides minerals, moisture and protection from overexposure to sunlight, whereas the photobiont is able to photosynthesize organic food from the carbon dioxide in the air, even when no other food supply is available.  This type of association is known as a symbiosis; it allows at least one of the constituents to live under conditions where it could not survive by itself.  Not all types of symbioses are mutually beneficial, but most of them are.

Note that a lichen's photobiont is often described as an alga in most introductory presentations, which are clearly unduly influenced by the fact that cyanobacteria are still called "blue-green algae" in spite of the fact that these photosynthetic prokaryotes are not algae at all...

There is an even closer form of symbiosis, called endosymbiosis, which is exemplified by all higher life forms, including you and me.  Each of our own cells harbors a number of mitochondria, which are (like blue-green algae) an elementary form of bacteria lacking a nucleus.  Human cells could not function without them, and human mitochondria only reproduce within a human cell...  However, mitochondria have their own genetic material (a single chromosome containing a circular strand of DNA) and their replication is independent from the replication of the rest of the human cell which harbors them  When a human cell divides, after replicating its nucleus, about half of the mitochondria in it will go into each new cell and they will reproduce there, as needed.  As human tissue grows, the mitochondrial population within its cells grows as well.  When a human egg is fertilized by sperm, it so happens that the male mitochondria remain in the sperm's tail, which never enters the egg.  Therefore, all mitochondria in a human embryo will be the same as the mitochondria present in the cells of the mother.

Mitochondrial DNA (often abbreviated mtDNA) is thus inherited from mother to daughter in an asexual way.  As the evolution of mtDNA is only subject to slow mutations over time, it has been shown that all human maternal lineages have died out, except one...  Therefore, all humans are descendants of a single woman (called the "mitochondrial Eve") who lived about 200 000 years ago.  She probably lived in Africa, because the mtDNA of African populations shows more variation than what is observed on other continents:  This suggests that the descendants of "Eve" lived exclusively in Africa for a long period of time before migrating to other regions.  This is the basis of what's now known as the "Out of Africa" theory.

Neanderthals became extinct (and/or were exterminated by our Cro-Magnon ancestors) about 30 000 years ago.  Mitochondrial DNA from their bones showed that their species was clearly separate from our own.  They are not our ancestors, contrary to what was previously thought, and we rarely interbred.

(2023-06-13)   Human have 46 chromosomes.  Other great apes have 48.
Human chromosome pair #2 (HSA2) looks like the fusion of two ancestral chromosomes found in chimpanzees (PTR12 and PTR13).

The fact that the normal karyotype of humans contains 46 chromosomes was cautiously presented in 1956.  At the time,  chromosomal mosaicism  (variations of the number of chromosomes from one cell to the next within the same organism) was thought to be more prevalent than it actually is.  So, the authors of the epoch-making 1956 were reluctant to generalize the observations they had made on relatively few cells (without a single counterexample, though).

"The chromosome number of Man"  (1956)  Hereditas  42(1-2): 1-6.
by Joe Hin Tjio (1919-2001)  &  Albert Levan (1905-1998).

All extant non-human great apes have 48 chromosomes instead of the 46 in the human karyotype.  Among lesser apes, siamangs have 50 chromosomes  and other gibbons typically have 44 chromosomes.

Rhesus Macaque  have 42 chromosomes, which is the lowest count among Old World Monkeys.  Other monkeys have between 34 chromosomes  (Silvery Marmoset)  and 60  (Vervet_monkey).

The venomous Jack Jumper ant from Ausralia  (Myrmecia pilosula)  has a single pair of chromosomes.

HSA2 Chromosome The picture at left is from a 2016 article by the geneticist Pawel Stankiewicz, published in Molecular Cytogenetics
One pedigree we all may have come from.  Did Adam and Eve have the chromosome 2 fusion?
Volume 9, Article number: 72 (2016
This picture demonstrates that the second chromosome of Homo Sapiens (HSA2) has bands matching those of two lesser chromosomes PTR12 and PTR13 from modern chimpanzees  (PTR = Pan TRoglodyte).  The HSA2 results from the fusion of two ancestral chromosomes is confirmed by the presence in the center of HSA2, od two DNA sequences normally found only at the ends of chromosomes.

Robinsonian fusions like the one which resulted in the human chrmosome HSA2 destroy few genes, if any, and typically won't affect the health or the fertility of the affected individual.  When the fused chromosome is passed on to an offspring, the karyotype of the offspring may simply have a missing pair.  If this chromosomal rearragement happens to present an evolutionary advantage, the change may become dominant after a few generations, especially in a polygamous and incestuous tribe.  This may well be the origin of the split between the respective lineages of chimpanzees and humans, about 5 million years ago.  The different numbers of chromosomes would instantly have created a reproductive barrier.  If that's the case, all humans would descend from a single individual  (most likely male in a polygamous and/or incestuous society)  living at the time of the final split from apes.

Although  creationists dispute this,  their account of the history of the topic  (which emerged in 1982)  is a valid contribution of theirs.

This fusion event is thought to have occurred only once.  Estimates vary widely, but some philogenetiic arguments would trace this event back to a single individual who lived about 5 million years ago.

I propose to call this individual  Lot  after the biblical character who mated with his two daughters on consecutive nights to prevent the extinction of his family, after the anhilation of Sodom and Gomorrah, including Lot's wife.

The Origin of the Human Species: a Chromosome Fusion?  by  Manuel Ruiz Rejón  (BBVA, 2017-01-13).
Telomeres and mechanisms of Robertsonian fusion?  by  Predrag Slijepcevic  (NIH, 1998).
Origin of human chromosome 2: an ancestral telomere-telomere fusion  by  J.W. IJdo et al. (1991--).
Robertsonian translocation  (1916)   |   William Rees Brebner Robertson  (1881-1941)

(2023-08+03)   Hyoid Bones
A precondition for speech vocalization.

Hyoid Bones   |   Adam's apple

(2023-06-08)   Hominid Species.  The Human Family Tree.
A bunch of fragments from ChatGPT, duly augmented, edited and corrected.

The field of paleoanthropology is the study of the continually-revised human evolutionary history.  Homo Sapiens  is the only surviving hominid species.

The known lineages of great apes :
Sahelanthropus tchadensis
Ardipithecus ramidus
Australopithecus anamensis
Australopithecus afarensis (Lucy)
Homo habilis
Homo erectus
Homo ergaster
Homo antecessor
Homo Heidelbergensis
Homo naledi
Homo sapiens
Homo floresiensis

Our lineage split from that of gorillas 7 to 10 million years ago.  All the aforementioned African apes  separated from the Indonesian lineage of modern orangutans 12 to 16 million years ago.  All apes split from (tailed) monkeys around 25 to 30 million years ago.  Among monkeys, chromosome numbers can range from 40 to 62, but it seems that only apes have 46 or 48 (only modern humans and their direct ancestors have 46).  Monkeys and apes come from the early primates which started appearing after the abrupt extinction of large dinosaurs,  65 millions years ago.

The oldest known hominid species is Sahelanthropus tchadensis, dating back approximately 6 to 7 million years.  around the time of the split between our lineage and that of the two panins (Bonobo and chimpanzees,  our closest living relatives)  Fossil remains of Sahelanthropus tchadensis were discovered in Chad, Africa, specifically in the Toros-Menalla region, during expeditions conducted between 2001 and 2002.  The most notable fossil specimen, nicknamed "Toumaï," consists of a partial cranium and a few other fragments.  Sahelanthropus tchadensis is significant because it represents one of the earliest potential ancestors of the human lineage.  Although the available fossil evidence is limited, it exhibits a mix of primitive and more derived features, suggesting some adaptations towards bipedalism.  However, the exact placement of Sahelanthropus within the hominid family tree and its relationship to other early hominids are still subjects of scientific debate and ongoing research.

Other early hominid species that lived around 4 to 5 million years ago include Ardipithecus ramidus and Orrorin tugenensis, both of which have contributed to our understanding of human evolutionary history.  These early hominids provide insights into the origins of bipedal locomotion and the diversification of the human lineage, which is trditonally presented in the following chronological order of appearance:

  • Ardipithecus ramidus lived approximately from 6 to 4 million years ago.  They are the most ape-like fossil hominin to date, showing adaptation to both bipdalism  (walking on two legs)  and life in trees.  Ardipitecus ramidus is considered to have been more closely related to humans than chimpanzees, at a time when the two lineages split.
  • Australopithecus anamensis.  They lived approximately from 4.4 to 3.8 million years ago.  The most famous and most ancient specimen is Ardi (ARA-VP-6/500).  They were not as efficient at bipedality as humans, and not as adapted to arboreality as non-human great apes.  They seem be be the direct ancestors of  Australopithecus afarensis, with whom they have coexisted.
  • Australopithecus afarensis: This species, which lived in the pliocene approximately 3.9 to 2.9 million years ago, is famous for the well-preserved fossil called "Lucy"  (AL 288-1) discovered in 1973-74 in the Afar region of Ethiopia.  Australopithecus afarensis is considered an early hominin and is known for its bipedal locomotion.  Lucy  was a young adult at the time of her death but she stood only 3.7 feet (1.10 m).  She suffered from flat feet and genu valgum brought about by a Vitamin-D deficieny due to insufficient exposure to direct sunlight, which may indicate that she had spent too much of her life confined to a cave.
  • Homo habilis (sometimes still called  Australopithecus habilis):  This species, dating back around 2.4 to 1.4 million years ago, is one of the earliest members of the genus Homo.  Homo habilis is known for its use of stone tools and is considered to be more closely related to humans than the Australopithecus species.
  • Homo erectus: Homo erectus is a major extinct hominid species that existed approximately from 1.8 million to 100,000 years ago.  They were the first hominids to walk completely upright.  They mastered fire, cooked their food and invented spears.  They are the most successful human species ever, both in terms of temporal span and geographical spread.  They had a larger brain size and a more sophisticated tool-making ability compared to earlier hominids.  They probably invented the  Knapped  hand axe  (French: biface)  made from  chert  (flintstone; French: silex)  the longest-used tool in human history.  Homo erectus is believed to be the first hominid to have expanded beyond Africa.$nbsp; So far, we only have DNA fragments from Homo Erectus, which are not sufficient to sequence a complete genome, but this may change soon due to the existence of fairly recent remains.
  • Homo ergaster: Homo ergaster is an hominid species that arose between 1.9 and 1.7 million years ago and became extinct about 1.4 million years ago.  They may have arisen before homo erectus but died out much sooner and are sometimes not considered ancestral to modern humans.  However, the data isn't entirely clear and the issue is still debated.  Some have described homo ergaster as a subspecies of homo erectus, which contradicts the timeline presented here.
  • Homo Antecessor: Homo Antecessor is an extinct hominid species that lived approximately 1.2 to 0.77 million years ago, during the Early Pleistocene.  It is believed to be an ancestor of Homo Heidelbergensis, Neanderthals and modern humans.
  • Homo Heidelbergensis: Homo heidelbergensis is an hominid species that lived approximately 700,000 to 200,000 years ago.  It is believed to be an ancestor of both Neanderthals and modern humans, possibly the last one.  Fossil evidence suggests that Homo heidelbergensis had a larger brain size than earlier hominids and exhibited more advanced tool-making abilities.
  • Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis): Neanderthals lived in Europe and parts of Asia from approximately 450,000 to 40,000 years ago.  They had a robust build and are known for their distinct cultural behaviors, including the use of tools, symbolic expression, and burying their dead.  During the time of the Mousterian culture, neanderthals introduced the craft of hafting handles from wood or bones to stone  bifaces  to produce something resemblig axes, javelins or spears.%nbsp; Neanderthals are  not  ancestors of modern humans but there was some interbreeding at times, until about 65,000 years ago.  Interbreeding was more common between Neanderthal males and modern human females.  The entire genome of a 430,000-year-old specimen has been sequenced, using thigh-bone fragment discovered at the Sima de los Huesos ("Pit of Bones") in Spain, which was [reviously misidentified as Homo heidelbergensis (see above) until 2014.  This helped revise the hypotheticals age of the earliest neanderthals from 400,000 years to 450,000 at least.
  • Denisovans: Denisovans are an extinct group of hominins known primarily from DNA analysis of a finger bone and a few teeth found in the Denisova Cave of Siberia.  They are believed to have lived from around 400,000 to 40,000 years ago.  Genetic studies have revealed that Denisovans interbred with both Neanderthals and early modern humans.  In 2012, a 2 cm bone fragment was found in Denisova cave belonging to a 13-year-old girl nicknamed Denny  (Denisova 11)  who lived about 90,000 years ago and is the only known example of a first-generation hybrid hominin,  She had a pure Neanderthal mother and a Denisovan father, who himself had a minuscule Neanderthal ancestry (dating back to a few hundred generations prior).
  • Homo naledi: Homo naledi is a recently discovered (2013) hominin species found in the Rising Star Cave system of South Africa.  They are estimated to have lived between 335,000 and 236,000 years ago.  The discovery is significant because the remains exhibit a mix of primitive and more modern human-like traits.
  • Homo sapiens: Modern humans.  Homo sapiens emerged around 300,000 years ago in Africa and are the only extant species of the genus Homo.  That's all of us.  One of their early inventions was the bow-and-arrow weapon, which could efficiently kill at a distance.  This may have been instrumental in the extermination of their neanderthal rivals, which they couldn't quite match in close combat.  Possibly the first deliberate genocide brought about by technology.  The  war of attrition  between  Cro-magnons  and Neanderthals lasted thousands of years.  The oldest known arrowheads were found in 2010 in the Sibudu Cave of South Africa.  estimated to be around 64,000 years old, they were carefully crafted from bone and featured barbs and serrated edges.

Homo floresiensis, often referred to as "Hobbits" because of their small stature.  They ived in the Indonesian island of Flores approximately 100,000 to 60,000 years ago.  The date they actually appeared is currently debated.  They had a unique combination of primitive and advanced features and were significantly smaller in body and brain size compared to modern humans.

The latest discovery in paleoanthropology (2019) is Homo luzonensis,  on the basis of fossil remains found in Callao Cave in the Philippines.  Homo luzonensis is estimated to have lived around 67,000 to 50,000 years ago.  The discovery includes teeth, finger and toe bones, and a few other fragments, providing evidence of a previously unknown hominid species that coexisted with other hominins in Southeast Asia during that time period.

Our Closest Living Relatives (1:46)  by Richard Dawkins  (RDF, 2009-07-14).
Hominid & Hominin (24:21)  by Kayleigh  (2022-02-13).
Human Origins 101 (3:47)  National Geographics  (2018-09-14).
How many species of Human were there? (30:36)  North02  (2022-03-12).
The Evidence for Human Evolution
Violence, Sex, and Fire in Human Evolution (2:32:21)  by  Richard Wrangham  (Lex Fridman, 2021-10-10).
The 1% Difference Between Humans & Apes (1:45:07)  by  Richard Wrangham  (Jordan Peterson, 2022-05-02).
Why we overcame all other hominins (19:28)  by  Yuval Noah Harari  (Lex Fridman, 2023-07-20).
t The First Hominins (14:30)  by  Stefan Milosavljevich  (2020-08-06).

Nautilus (2003-01-03)   Fossil Calendars
Over long periods, calendrical ratios do change.

Modern nautilus shells invariably show about 30 daily growth lines between their chamber partitions, called septa, whose development is synchronized with the actual lunar month (currently about 29.5305889 days).

Nautiloids first appeared about 420 million years ago, when the solar day was about 21 hours [1 hour = 3600 atomic SI seconds].  The fossil record shows that the earliest nautiloids had only 9 growth lines between septa:  420 million years ago, there were about 9 days (of 21 hours) in a lunar month !

The distance to the Moon was only 40% of what it is today, so the apparent diameter of the Moon was about 2½ times what it is now.  Total solar eclipses were more common than partial eclipses today.

Even the rate of recession of the Moon does not remain constant over the ages.  The strength of tidal effects is strongly dependent on the configuration of the continents (and/or the ocean floor) which is extremely variable over geological time periods.  Currently, the Moon recesses from the Earth at the comparatively rapid rate of 38.2(7) mm per year (Dickey et al., 1994).  The paleontological study of so-called tidally laminated sediments (also called tidal rhythmites) has shown conclusively that this recession speed has varied greatly, but it was typically much slower in the distant past.

If this wasn't so, the Earth-Moon system couldn't have formed at the time indicated by radioactive dating (about 4½ billion years ago).  Some models explain the formation of the Earth-Moon system by a collision of the young Earth with an object 10 times smaller than itself.

A weaker tidal braking in the past would seem like a paradox at first, since a closer Moon should have produced stronger tides.  However, this general trend could be more than compensated by the large differences in the heights of the tides around different configurations of land masses.  This effect is commonly observed when comparing different coastlines, and it would dominate globally as the continents drift.  Everything seems to indicate that tidal effects are currently way above average, .>......so the current rate of recession is a poor indication of what happened in the distant past.

(2020-08-18)   Last Universal Common Ancestor  (LUCA)
Latest lifeform among the ancestors of all extant species.

The RNA world became extinct more than 3 billion years ago but all modern lifeforms on Earth come from it.  Anytimr a rare species become extinct, the LUCA title may be passed on to a more recent creature.  LUCA never gets older. It would be interersibg to plot the age of LUCA as time passes.  The slope of that curve is a dimensionless number  (year/year)  and can be expressed as a percentage expressing the decay of biodiversity in a natural long-term way  (more meaningful than the mere number of species disappearing each year).  Unfortunately, this is not yet a popular metric.  That would be a worthy topic for a doctoral dissertation in paleontology...

That fundamental parameter doesn't depend on the modern diversification of species nor on the extinction of recent variations.

Life probably all began in deep-sea hydrothermal vents.  LUCA may be that ancient.  Its currently estimated to have lived at a specific date beweeen 3.5 and 3.8 billion years ago.

What Was the Ancestor of Everything? (11:43)  by  Hank Green  (PBS Eons, 2018-04-11).
Life began in an RNA world (11:43)  by  Joe Hanson  (It's Okay To Be Smart, 2018-04-11).
The Physics of Life (13:40)  by  Matt O'Dowd  (PBS Spacetime, 2018-04-11).

(2023-06-10)   The Theia impact theory,   (Hartnann & Davis, 1975)
Earth and Theia fused together and begat the Moon, 4.4 billion years ago.

The angular momentum of the collsion is well-known.  It's still the momenum of the Earth-Moon system, including the spin of the Earth.

William K. Hartmann (1939-)  |   Donald R. Davis
"Origin of the Moon's Orbital Eccentricity" by William K. Hartmann and Donald R. Davis (1975)
Wikipedi   Orbit of the Moon   |   Theia   |   Giant-impact_hypothesix
Hadean, Archean, and Proterozoic Eons (11:10)  Pr. Dave  (2022-03-18)


Geologic Time Scale  (GTS)

The approximate date when each interval begins is shown in the first column, in
millions of years (Ma) before the present time.
  0.011 Mya  =  11,000 years ago.
MyaEon EraPeriodAge of...
0.011 P
Cenozoic Quaternary Holocene Human Civilizations
1.6 PleistoceneHominids, Mammoths
Tertiary Pliocene Advanced Primates
24 Miocene Grazing and
38 Oligocene
55 Eocene
65 Paleocene Mammal Dominance
138  Mesozoic Secondary Cretaceous Primates, Flowers
205 Jurassic Birds, Cycads
252 Triassic Dinosaurs, Mammals
299  Paleozoic P
Permian Pangea
325 Carboniferous Pennsylvanian Reptiles
360 Mississippian Fern Forests
410 Devonian Amphibians, insects, trees
435 Silurian Land Plants
487 Ordovician Fish, Chordates
539 Cambrian Shellfish, Trilobites
635  P
EdiacaranMulticellular Fauna
720  CryogenianMarine Algae
1000 TonianSexual reprofuction
1200 Meso-
StenianRed algae
1400 EctasianGreen algae
1600 CalymmianEukariotic cells, protists
1800 Paleo-
Statherian Photosynthesis, oxygen
3900Archean EonArcheozoic Prokaryotes, Viruses, stromatolites, cyanobacteria
4540Hadean Time Prebiotic Molecules
 AD 1976
visits since June 8, 2023
 (c) Copyright 2000-2023, Gerard P. Michon, Ph.D.