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 Direction of Magnetic Field (B)

Final Answers
© 2000-2020  Gérard P. Michon, Ph.D.

Tesla's World



Related articles on this site:

Related Links (Outside this Site)

Tesla Memorial Society of New York
8 Things about Nikola Tesla  by  Rebecca Jacobson  (PBS, 2013-07-10).
Videos:  Electric field of a dipole (0:13)  by  Yves Pelletier (2007-06-17).
Reviving Tesla's technology?  (22:55)  Truthstream Media  (2018-11-09).
Nikola Tesla's grades (14:36)  by  Toby Hendy  (Tibees, 2020-05-04).

The World of  Nikola Tesla  (1856-1943)

How does it feel to be the smartest man on Earth? 
I wouldn't know.  Ask Nikola Tesla. 
Albert Einstein  (1879-1955)

(2016-09-10)   Tesla Coil
High-voltage low-current generator.

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 still working on this one...

Below is the schematic of a simple commercial low-current adjustable high-voltage DC generator  (5 kV to 100 kV)  using a  Tesla coil  transformer  (labeled TRANS1)  driven by a  thyristor  (BT151 scr)  circuit with a  470 k  potentiometer.  The output voltage is crudely limited by the distance between two facing needles connected to the output electrodes  (rightmost).  The breakdown spark discharge in air being typically about  1.2 kV/mm,  a maximum output voltage of about  100 kV  is achieved when the points are  90 mm  apart  (per manufacturer's specifications).  Continuous operation is limited to  15  minutes.

 100 kV DC from Tesla coil

A double-pole double-throw switch  (SW-DPDT)  allows the polarity of the output to be reversed without rewiring the external load  (that switch isn't meant to be operated when the unit is powered up).

Tesla Coil Guide  by  Kevin Wilson   |   Wikipedia :   Tesla coil
Handheld TESLA COIL GUN at 28,000fps (11:19)  by  Destin Sandlin  (Smarter Every Day #162, 2016-11-30).

(2008-05-17)   Schumann's Cavity
Between the Earth and the ionosphere is a cavity resonating at  8 Hz.

Schumann resonance modes are observed as peaks in the spectrum  of the natural electromagnetic background noise at  extremely low frequencies  (ELF).  They are excited by  lightning strikes  all around the globe.  The fundamental mode is around  7.83 Hz  and the following harmonics are about  6.5 Hz  apart.

The First Schumann Resonances  (in Hz)
 7.83 14.320.827.333.8 40.346.853.359.9

Those are named after the German physicist  Winfried Otto Schumann  (1888-1974)  who computed the relevant spectrum of the spherical waveguide formed by the Earth and the conductive layers of the ionosphere.

 Come back later, we're
 still working on this one...

Wikipedia :   Schumann resonances

visits since February 22, 2016
 (c) Copyright 2000-2020, Gerard P. Michon, Ph.D. www.numericana.com/answer/tesla.htm  updated  2020-09-08  18:35 Visits to this site, since March 31, 2000.