The above is a copyrighted picture reproduced here by permission. © 2009 by Jochen Wilke.
Per pale Sable and Argent, a saltire consisting of a quill pen Proper
an officer's sword Argent hilted Or,
both pointing to the chief points.
Three Ostrich feathers, Argent, Sable and Argent.
Thanks to Joachim von Roy
for communicating the following German blason:
In von Schwarz und Silber gespaltenem Schilde eine schräglinks aufwärts
liegende natürliche weisse Schreibfeder,
geschrägt mit einem schrägrechts
aufwärts liegenden golden-begrifften stählernen Offiziersdegen;
auf dem Helm mit schwarz-silbernen Decken drei (silbern-schwarz-silbern) Straussenfedern.
1959Max von Laue was awarded the 1914 Nobel prize for physics (unshared prize) for his 1912 discovery of the diffraction of X-rays by crystals.
The United Nations celebrated the centenary of that prize with a year-long event called International Year of Crystallography (IYCr2014). This was sponsored jointly by UNESCO and the International Union of Crystallography (founded in 1948).
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